What I HATE about my iPhone 14 Pro Max After 2 Months..

it'' s been 2 months since Apple launched their iPhone 14 schedule as well as I obtained my 14 pro Max and also I love the phone it is amazing however there are specific things that absolutely grind my equipments as well as things is several of these can be fixed by software application While others are Equipment related that are disappointments and with some of these I'' ve actually found workarounds that I'' m going to be showing you men to assist you out with that said claimed let'' s Leap Right In currently the very first one actually injures me and that is the fact that these displays seem to scratch a lot easier than the apple iphone 13s and also the 12s although all 3 of them had ceramic guard currently quickly after I got them I got one scrape after that one more and also I'' m exceptionally careful with my phones as well as the displays currently prior to you people say you ought to have a display guard well I didn'' t have display guards with all my previous phones as well as they seem to do better so I did a little research therefore numerous individuals are publishing that these phones are damaging extremely rapidly extremely quickly whereas their apple iphone 13 12 lasted a year or two and looks better than a brand-new apple iphone after a pair of weeks and also worse some individuals were obtaining damaged ones out of package as well as other individuals responded claiming yes I'' m getting the same thing'currently I wear ' t understand if Apple just changed exactly how this glass is made there was one blog post where even the back glass was damaged while having a dog crate case on there uh possibly they cheapened out to have better revenue margins I know what'' s taking place but due to that I in fact purchased AppleCare on this apple iphone when I never had previously because I'' m so careful I ' ve never needed it I went on and subscribed due to the fact that I'' m gon na need to be able to change a display down the line most likely so I would claim if you'' re acquiring a brand-new one think about obtaining a screen protector even if you really wear'' t like them like I do now the second one is display screen dimming currently yes this has actually taken place for many years but this year Apple claimed that they included a thermal system to maintain the phone cooler since holds true as well as the 14 professional Max does do a far better work at it but it does still dim now with the 14 pro which I'' ll additionally speak about in just a little bit with an additional problem this point in fact dims a lot more so than the regular 14.

Uh when I when we'' re doing our tests when we'' re doing gaming I'' m truthfully really surprised by exactly how much it lowers since of that effective a16 processor the cooling system is overwhelmed so that would certainly suggest if you'' re undecided to go for a 14 pro currently the third one is the magsafe billing speed now I'' m someone that loves wireless charging I don'' t also have like the wire in my room to charge up but in times where I do require a fee and we'' ll talk regarding battery life in a bit when I pop it on the speed just isn'' t that excellent currently when Apple launched it we were so excited due to the fact that we were lastly going to get fast wireless charging on the apple iphone however in my crazy charging comparison I found that their 15 watt magsafe in fact wasn'' t that much faster than making use of a 7.5 watt standard charger since it reduces down to 6 Watts not long after you start charging so also though C appears like it'' s a lot faster it ' s not and also that ' s even if Apple slows it in the area which brings me to this video clip enroller ESR which makes my favorite budget three in one charger their Halo lock cordless battery charger with cryo boost currently the cost is unbelievably low for the quality as well as not only does the airpods battery charger have magnetic positioning but because you used your own Apple watch Puck you'' ll get faster charging than budget plan built-in alternatives their cryobboost Tech has a follower so your wireless billing won'' t reduce down due to warmth claim if you ' re enjoying video clips or doing anything else as well as having active air conditioning enhances battery long life because unlike other cordless battery chargers your phone remains actually actually great and also I was surprised by just how nice the point is particularly with the genuine aluminum components the flexible angles and also the consisted of power adapter whereas other budget alternatives are plastic and also commonly wear'' t featured a power block esr'' s magnets are more powerful as well as the follower is quiet but can additionally be turned off in addition to the lights Apple'' s Puck can only charge one device and also belkins which has 3 expenses 150 bucks so I assume it'' s the very best 3 month battery charger for the price check it out using the links below currently like I stated I like macsafe and if you'' re billing at evening it doesn'' t issue as well as keeping that you can simply obtain like an ESR one if you'' re not going to be awaiting it to charge yet I would love them to keep that faster rate when you do require it to bill quick like as an example you have OnePlus that can charge your phone in 45 minutes when you require it but then in the evening it will bill slower due to the fact that you wear'' t and it doesn ' t desire to include the extra warm now with that said we have reverse wireless charging currently this phone can it however Apple won'' t allow us use it now I recognize that a lot of the moment it is not something that ' s required but hear me out on this the hardware has actually remained in the iPhone given that the apple iphone 11 yet was never switched on as well as the very first and only device that can utilize it is the maxafe battery pack that appeared recently currently if you have the battery pack on your phone however you connect your lightning cable television into the phone itself not the pack well that'' ll in fact charge your phone faster and afterwards it will turn around wirelessly bill the pack so you have the benefit of having it there and both will certainly charge up but besides that you can'' t usage that feature anywhere else currently in the last two months I'' ve had numerous situations where it would be so wonderful to have that when my airpods were dead and I didn'' t have access to a charger so I was out of luck as well as I was doing a bunch of stuff outside without utilizing my airpods currently I would have liked it if I might simply place them on my iPhone and also bill them now if you state that'' s due to the fact that it mishandles well with Apple'' s battery pack that initially limited to 5 Watts yet after that 9 months later on they upped it due to the fact that people weren'' t delighted and it was slow-moving and you instead have the extra speed also if we had a 50 inefficiency in my 14 pro Max would certainly lose 25 battery if you totally bill the airpods in case yet in situation of an emergency situation in regarding five minutes or two you can obtain an hour of paying attention which'' s sufficient to get you out of a bind and keeping that they already added macsafe alignment to the instance of the airpods currently other times we'' re to restore pals or my better half'' s dead phone if they needed to phone or check messages and be so nice to be able to you know plug it up cost fee up a few percentages and also inspect it or have the ability to bill various other accessories like an Apple Watch given that they have little adequate batteries where you don'' t need to drain your phone that a lot I simply wish that Apple didn'' t lock down all the great Hardware with their software program currently the next one has been the absence of the Sim slot now I wish Apple just maintained it below in the states just like they performed in other nations initially I had concerns with telephone calls not coming in and mistakes however after that it quit currently what I'' m having is simply the lack of capacity to quickly take out a Sim placed it into another phone that I'' m testing or place it right into a tablet you have to move it it takes a lot longer you just don'' t desire to do it and with the 14 plus I needed to go in as well as make multiple calls and afterwards enter into a neighborhood area undergo several people to try to get it establish up as a result of various other issues so if they would have just maintained it there like they performed in various other countries that would certainly just been a great deal less complicated for me having no sim slot has actually been all downsides with no positives at all now the following one is the vibrant Island currently I really absolutely enjoy the dynamic Island I enjoy that it'' s extremely convenient but we were here two months later and not numerous companies currently including anything to make it useful and I desire them to do that uh so the island exists itself and the adverse is the reality that it cuts into video uh it you know it'' s more obvious compared to the notch however I would certainly enjoy it if Google Maps would permit it to reveal turn-by-turn navigation there just like Apple Maps has therefore just recently I'' ve really been utilizing Apple Maps uh due to the fact that it is practical when I have actually just set up on my stand currently as you recognize I have actually done a lots of screening with the video cameras with every scenario that you can even against a professional camera configuration that was around 9 thousand bucks and also the raw looks outstanding that we have such a huge distinction between shooting regular pictures and also the 48 megapixel Pro raw not just carefully however the ability to have far better emphasize roll off it looks a great deal even more all-natural now I'' ve grumbled a lot that you can ' t shoot 48 megapixel pressed data which the data sizes instead of being 3 megabytes or perhaps approximately 7 it'' s like 75 megabytes as well as apple won'' t let you simply shoot to that now my workaround has actually been to use the shortcut to be able to pick them as well as transform them that'' s been the best means that I'' ve found so currently I ' m shooting you recognize a lots of shots doing Pro raw because it looks so excellent now aside from just allowing us shoot it without having the conversions I would certainly love to be able to do portraits completely top quality currently Apple doesn'' t like to have uh features that take a great deal of time like handling later on or that won'' t have the ability to reveal you the picture ahead of time however a whole lot of Androids do that and I believe the majority of us would certainly take the compromise of having to see the photo later on but obtain the very best high quality currently keeping that I additionally found that these new Pro iPhones are doing points a little bit in a different way when I did the comparison against the 13 Pro and 12 Pro there are times where the images didn'' t appearance better at all as well as occasionally when they actually looked worse as well as not simply with the primary video camera and also what I discovered is the truth that they in fact will not go right into night mode they'' ll just take a normal picture and'that ' s also without having the like a faster shutter choice activated since simply suggests that you'' re not getting the much better top quality uh due to the fact that you simply press and also take one photo currently once more for Android in some cases you take 5 seconds or 7 secs when it did the contrast versus the Samsung as well as the pixel and that aids them so what I located is a workaround is the ability to simply drop press that little switch for a night setting drag the slider and afterwards by hand make it possible for night mode however point is it simply doesn'' t stick so if you want the very best high quality pictures you have to do that and there'' s no method to type of enable it to choose evening mode in the settings as well as after discussing all these pictures I need to talk about the lightning Port now I recently made a video claiming I put on'' t want USBC on the iPhone I desire something better which'' s because Apple now is simply I don'' t recognize if it ' s just greed for cash or what but they ' re restricting this to be 10 times slower than what we had in the 12.9 inch iPad in 2015 despite the fact that we actually have the requirement for it with large you recognize raw documents we have prores to back things up they'' re just covering it and they put on'' t need to be doing that to me it simply doesn ' t make sense in you understand completion of 2022 practically 2023.

Now if they do stick with the USB type-c port I truly wish that they'' re going to do Thunderbolt like we had a recenter leakage that will certainly fix every one of those concerns yet Apple just intentionally desires to maintain you making use of iCloud and also paying for that or a minimum of making use of airdrop which they had in their file so they displayed so that you need to have a Mac and also you'' re preferring you recognize to remain in their environment now the following one is the reality that the display is still as well intense many times in the dark now we spoke about the Double sensing units and also individuals stated that it would certainly adjust in time yet it is still brighter in almost every scenario than before now all Apple has to do is offer you a compensation modification slider in the setups if you like a brighter or darker and that will also assist with battery life I whined concerning battery life being really bad a lot to ensure that I needed to go with the 14 pro Max rather than my preferred smaller sized dimension because the routine 14 pro would die hrs earlier compared to the last generation now fortunately it has obtained a lot far better as well as with iOS 16.1 there'' s been a nice get on YouTube idevice aid contrasted the last 4 generation of phones and the 14 professional Max obtained just over one and also a fifty percent hours of battery life with just the software application update and optimizations so what'' s there to grumble about well there'' s not that much it'' s certainly a great thing but that examination did not make up the display being brighter or the xdr that can get extremely intense outdoors or they'' re constantly on display mode so in general we'' re still checking out about one to 2 hr lower battery life contrasted to in 2014 and also that'' s something that I would gladly take for these extra features but keeping that despite the fact that I wish to have the 14 pro not the professional Max I still need to go with the pro Max due to the fact that I do have a lot of background tasks that need to be on and also the battery life just will not keep up with the complete day this year like it did in 2014 so there you individuals go those are my frustrations things I want Apple didn'' t do and what they did do together with some useful ideas there proceed and also click that Circle above to subscribe check out among those wonderful videos right over there and also we'' ll see you in the next one [Music] thank you

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